September 30, 2009

Almost there....

This year is the same as last year....the week before I leave is the hardest. All I want to do is get the hell outta Dodge...or in this case Boston. There's so much to do to get ready to leave...pack the bike, pack the clothes, pack the nutrition, etc. I'm doing my best to get my final workouts in before I leave. Not to mention, try to get as much work done so I don't get crushed when I get back. Only a couple more days to go until I get to see this again....

A couple of random thoughts....
- the swim is going to be very interesting this year. Athough I've been swimming consistently for the past couple of feels stagnant. I don't feel very smooth. Hopefully I can catch a swell on the way out and the way back:) I have a feeling that the swim is going to feel very long this year!
- we're going to invest in a SLR camera before we leave. So, assuming I can figure out how to use it, we should have some good pics to post this year.

September 29, 2009

Man I hate the gym....

I've been going to my local Boston Sports Club recently to get in a few swims and, more recently, use the sauna to get acclimated to the heat I'll encounter in Kona. There's just something that repulses me about the gym. It could be locker rooms...but more likely it's the meatheads and meathead wannabe's...I don't know. All I know is that I hate being there. Funny thing is that I used to be "one of those guys"...jacking up as much weight as I could. Man how times have changed. Rant over....

It's tuesday, and I'm about quarter of the way packed. I cannot believe that I'm leaving on Saturday. I do not feel ready from a logistic standpoint. One good thing is that I'm very close to my race weight from last year. I've been eating very light over the past couple of get the weight down. It's killing me right now. But, I'll benefit on race day. Any excess pounds that I can shed before race day will help over the 26 miles of the marathon. If this post seems a bit all over the place, that's because I'm light headed from only eating salad for dinner! I'll post later when my blood sugar levels are back up;)

September 24, 2009

T-minus 8 days....

Okay, only 8 days until we head out of town....and I'm officially beginning to get frazzled. For anyone that has flown to a triathlon, particularly an ironman, getting ready to leave can be a nervewracking thing. There's so much to get, clothes, nutrition, etc. Fortunately, Jenn is back from China. She usually calms me down and coordinates much of the last minute stuff.

That said, I've also officially started my taper. Although, I feel like you have to have something to taper from! This has not been a stellar training year for me. So, it's not like lifted weight I've felt in past years. However, I did get some decent training in the last few weeks. My running form is really coming around. I managed to run 21 miles last weekend in just a tick under 7:00 minute per mile pace....without really pushing it. In fact, my HR didn't go above 140 for the first 14 or so miles....and I felt great. That was my longest run since Kona last year. This weekend things shorten up a bit (with a little more quality). Next week I have a stint with the sauna as I get acclimated to the heat. I'm just looking foward to getting over there!


September 20, 2009

Random Thoughts....

I'm sitting here at my computer browsing the internet as I get ready for my last long run before Kona. I was reading through some posts on Slowtwitch (Tri Forum) (and there are never a lack of posts on this topic) about how someone got divorced because of thier commitment to triathlon, or how their family isn't get the picture. This makes me realize how lucky I am to have a wife who does support me. This is a woman who spent 3 separate "vacations" in Panama City Beach, Florida (the "Redneck Riviera") so I could race Ironman Florida....and never a complaint (although she did tell me she wasn't going back:)). This is a woman who waited 5 years to visit Hawaii, because I told her I wouldn't go until I qualified to race in Kona. This is a woman who schedules her social life around my workout schedule. Jenn is not only my wife and best friend, she's my training partner. Without her, I never would have gotten where I am. Nowadays she is travelling quite a bit for work. She's currently in China. When I tell people this, the response I get is "well, at least you get to train as much as you want"....and my response is..."I do that anyway". Only now, I get to do all of the "other" things around the house, while she is gone...."things" I'm not so good at anymore! I stopped by the grocery store last night to grab some was my third trip this week and I probably need to go again! I'm not sure when I became "that guy" who can't shop. Perhaps it was the dehyration from my previous 6 hour workout...but more likely the fact that I rely on Jenn to do these things for me. I'll be happy to have her home next week. I mean...who's going to help me pack my things for Hawaii:) Okay...only 21 miles to go....


September 15, 2009

Follow me on Twitter...sort of.

Ok, let me first say that I have absolutely no intention of tweeting about what I'm doing on a daily basis. I mean....who the hell cares? Even I don't:) But, I thought Twitter might be a cool thing to use while I'm in Hawaii (and on my travels). So, if interested, follow me while I'm in Hawaii (click on the side bar). Who knows...I may have a tweet or 2 before I leave. It's like anything, I need to practice! I'm trying to convince Jenn to tweet during the race...stay tuned.


September 14, 2009

One more....

Only one more big training weekend before the taper begins....and I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about it. I guess I'm just feeling like I haven't had a lot of prep time for this. This past weekend was pretty good. Jenn's in all I have to do is train, rest and take care of my pets, Billie and Tinley. Unfortunately, I had to deal with another rain drenched Saturday (2 out of the last 3 weekends). So, I moved my long ride to Sunday and did my long run on Saturday. I was very happy with my run. I drove over to Fresh Pond in Cambridge to run the 2.5 mile loop around the pond. I wanted to be able to grab drinks, etc during the run. I also wanted to jump in the Fresh Pond weekly race which started at 10am. I was hoping to get 5 laps in before the race (12.5 miles), but only managed 4 since I got there late. I was happy to see that I kept my pace under 7 minute per mile pace for the 10 without really trying and without getting the HR above 150. I jumped in the race, which was rather large due to 4 HS teams racing. It was the biggest turnout I've ever seen at the race. My goal here was to keep this very conservative. I went out fairly controlled (but still a little fast) and went through the first lap in 15:40. About midway through the second lap I could feel my piriformis acting up so I shut it down and ran fairly easy through the finish. I ended up with 31:30....which was faster than I thought I'd run (I was hoping for 32). I ran another lap+ to get in 18 miles. All in all a good day....and my avg. pace was around 6:50 pace. Sunday was a long ride with my buddy Matt. It was still fairly wet when we started at 6:30am. But, the sun came out and it started to dry up. The ride was uneventful....just getting it in. I definitely didn't drink enough which was quite apparent when I tried to do a short transition run afterward. I weighed myself after the run and I had lost 4lbs. I definitely need to focus on my nutrition more. I rode the couch for the rest of the day and watched football. I jumped on my treadmill in the evening for another 6 miles. I'm feeling like my run is very close to where it needs to be (IM is all about the run). I would like to drop another lb or so before I leave. I only have 3 weeks before we fly out. I guess it's salads for dinner this week:)

September 7, 2009

What to do with a 3 day weekend.... about 190+ miles on the body. I had planned on a long training weekend, capped by a 25K road race on Cape Ann. However, that plan quickly changed on Friday, when Brian Hughes and Dede Greisbauer put the bug in my ear that they were racing the Aquabike at the Plymouth Rock Ironman Distance race. My first thought was no....stick to the original plan. But, the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it. So, I emailed the director and got myself in. Since the race was on Sunday, I still had a Saturday to kill. So, Saturday was a 50+ mile bike w/a 50 minute run (approx. 3.5 hours). I did my best to rest up and get ready to race the next day. But it was hard, as we had my inlaws in for a visit. I tried not to treat the race too seriously...but it's hard not to get a little's still a long day. I woke up at 4am on Sunday and made the trek down to Plymouth. Man, it was cold and windy...very windy. In fact, while I was registering, my bike blew over in transition...and I lost one of my bottles of Powerbar Endurance. I made my way down to the swim start and hung with some freinds. Since all of us were using this as a training event, everyone was chatty and having fun. We jumped in the cold water and the gun went off. After about 50-100 meters of swimming, my hands were just digging into the sand (we swam along the jetty). I couldn't swim. So, I stood up and starting swimming sideways to get out in the open water a bit. The rest of the swim was somewhat uneventful. I swam pretty good, considering that I haven't been focusing on it like other years. Also, I definitely didn't give the swim a full effort...since I technically wasn't racing. Don't get me wrong...I swam hard....but probably could have been a bit faster. Onto the bike. I took the bike out relatively easy. The last time I rode 112 miles (or more), was at Hawaii the previous year. The course rides for about 5 miles into the Miles Standish State Park....where we proceeded to do a 25+ mile course 4 times. The course was very windy...up and down....and the roads were terrible....pot holes and bumps everywhere. In fact, I broke my aerobar armrest about 50 miles into the ride. I felt good early in the race. But, I think I spent too much time going up and down the hills and against the wind in my big chain ring (not to mention the brick the day before). About 65 miles in, I was cooked. I held on until just before the last loop (30 miles to go)....then all I wanted to do was finish....and hold off the guys riding behind me (which I did). I wound up finishing 6th...but place really didn't matter to me. This was a good race rehearsal for Kona. And, the conditions were very tough. It may have been the hardest iron distance bike I've done (including Kona)...mostly because of the wind and the rough road conditions. It also made me think about other tweaks I need to make before bike setup, helmet choice, etc. I followed Sunday up with an 1:47 trail run this morning. I don't know why, but I really like running on fatigued legs. I did a second 45 minute run in the afternoon. Actually, my legs felt really good for the second run....and I ran fairly quickly. Suffice it to body is shelled right now. Tomorrow is a much needed day off.