October 13, 2010

IMH Race Report

Sorry for the delay, but I inadvertently posted my race report on my team site rather than here. You can find it here:


October 8, 2010

Day Four and Five....and Six

It's been a busy last few days...and I've been a bit neglectful in my postings.  Race day is tomorrow and I began feeling a bit under the weather yesterday afternoon.  Obviously not an ideal time to start feeling bad, but I'm doing my best to cope with it.  It just feels like a cold coming on....scratchy throat, etc.  My bike and race bags are down at transition.  I'm getting ready to eat dinner and get my final things ready.  I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I feel better and not worse tomorrow.  Oh well...it is what it is.  This race is the icing on the cake.  I'm going to do my best to enjoy it...no matter how I feel.  Anyway, this will be the last post until post race.  Hopefully Madame Pele will be kind to me on Saturday.

As for the last couple of days, I thought I'd do a little photo montage:

Wednesday morning swim with my coach, Chris Thomas and a few others from Team Timex-

Matt and Shay up early on Wednesday after arriving on Tuesday-

The famous "Coffees of Hawaii" floating espresso bar-

Wednesday night couples cookout at the Sea Village-

Tuesday morning swim with Tim and Matt....trying out the new Blue Seventy textile suit-

The boys getting ready for the Kona Underpants Run (is that Fun Pokress?)-

The Guru, shined up and ready to go (more so than it's owner:))-

Sporting the limited edition BTT polos.  Do we get Powerbar Points for this?-

BTTers at the welcome banquet-



October 6, 2010

Day Three

Day three is in the books.  It was a busy day that started with another open water swim.  Today the floating espresso bar was set up, so I stopped on the way back in for a coffee.  Nothing like finishing a swim with a coffee.

After the swim we spotted some strange guy wading into the water in full garb.  He looked like he was chanting something.  I think he spotted me snapping his photo.  Nothing like a photo-op!

  I hit up the ART tent for another round of treatment after the swim.  I got registration out of the way....#1206.  And, finally, I picked up my Blue Seventy PTZ3 suit for the swim.  Whew...and that was all before 10:30.  I topped off the tank and took my bike out for a quick 40 minute swim.  I immediately had some mechanical issues...but my personal mechanic, Brian Hughes, had them ironed out quickly.  Let me say this...it is freakin' hot here.  Real hot.  I don't care what the news and papers say....they're saying 84-85....it's closer to 100 with the humidity.  Saturday should be fun!

Tonight we hit the ironman parade and the expo.  We ran into the Infinit guys who we're giving out t-shirts to the US athletes during the parade.

The expo was a zoo.  Lot's of cool vendors set up....Zipp, Scott, Kestrel...a virtual who's who of the triathlon industry.  We did all we could just to get through the masses.  If you're wondering what the difference is between an ironman and THE ironman in Kona....well, you typically don't get a full-on DJ spinning at LP....like you do in Kona!

October 5, 2010

Another early wakeup call

Well, I was out cold at 9pm, but still awake by 4:30. I'm hoping to really get caught up with sleep tonight. Today is the day that I really want to dial things in...and start to get mentally ready to race. The day looks like this:

1) early swim
2) register
3) visit the ART (active release therapy) tent
4) visit the IM store
5) 40 min bike
6) rest/welcome the Pokress' to kona
7) go watch the IM parade
8) visit the expo and demo days

It's a full day. Report to come...

Day Two

Up at 4am today.  At least it was a half hour later than yesterday!  Tapply and I headed down to "Dig Me" beach around 7am.  The place was definitely busier than yesterday.  I swam for about 40 or so minutes.  I felt good for about 20.  My body is still fatigued from lack of sleep.  I did see a manta ray for the first time.  Afterwards, Brian Hughes came by our condo and put our bikes together.  I was happy to see that it was in one piece out of the bike box.  Tim and I were going to go for a short ride, but all of us decided to head out for an exploration drive instead.  We headed toward Captain Cook and saw some amazing views.

Our first stop was St. Benedict's "painted church".  I've been wanting to stop by here for a while.  It was pretty neat.

 We then stopped by a Hawaiian state park (I can't even begin to pronounce the name).  The park had a tour of the ancient Hawaiian culture.  We then headed back into the hills of Kona and stopped by Greenwell Coffee Farm to order some peaberry coffee to be shipped back to Boston.  The stuff is awesome!  After a quick rest, Jenn and I headed out to dinner for our anniversary (7th).  We went to a place called Huggos.  The food was okay, but the view was awesome.  If you ever wonder why Kona is such a special place, here's why:


October 4, 2010

Day One

Well, day one is just about in the books.  Other than a complete lack of sleep, it was pretty uneventful.  As I mentioned in my last post, I was up at 3am. I wound up doing my planned 45 minute run around 6:30am.  Lots of people out on Alii Drive.  The run went okay.  I felt decent, all things considered.  I just did an out and back. On my way back I rolled up on a guy running in full Scott gear.  Not sure if he was a pro or not, but he wasn't happy w/me passing him.  He hung on my shoulder after my pass....which was towards the end of my run.  I did one up tempo effort of about 60 seconds and that was all she wrote.  I was completely dead after that.  I'll attribute that to my lack of sleep....hopefully:)  All in all, around 7:00-7:10 pace for approx. 7 miles.  Jenn and I headed down to "Dig Me" beach so I could get in a quick swim.  A swim wasn't on my plan, but I wanted to jump in for a very, very short swim, just to loosen up...not to mention, it's awesome to swim in the harbor (a virtual aquarium).  On our way down we got passed by Heather Fuhr and Chris Legh doing a cooldown run.  We also saw a bunch of pros down by the swim venue.  I also ran into Psycho team member, Roger Little.  We always seem to run into him at races.  He invited us to go marlin fishing on Thursday...but I had to pass.  Thursday is a little too close to the race for me.  God forbid I get motion sickness.  He may try to go on Wednesday instead.  If he does, I'm IN!  After the quick swim, we made our way back to the condo, w/a ritual stop at Lava Java.  The place was buzzing, as usual.  Much like last year, Scott Bikes must have a deal w/Lava Java to set up a showroom in and around the place.  It's pretty damn cool.  I spent the rest of the day watching football and trying to relax.  I'm picking up Tim Tapply from the airport in an hour or so.  He and his wife are staying with us (although his wife doesn't get in until Wednesday).  We didn't get too many pictures today.  But, we did get a good one of the sun setting last night (after a few hours of rain):

I'll leave you with a shot from our lanai:

Until tomorrow.


October 3, 2010

We've Arrived!

Up at 3:00am on Saturday....2 six hour flights...and we finally landed in Kona around 2pm "kona" time. All of our luggage (and bike) made it...thank you!!! We did our first round of grocery shopping...$230 bill!....ouch!....yes, it's more expensive here. And, as much as I tried not to, I was asleep just before 7pm. It's now 4am and I've been up since 3am. I'll have to try to get back on schedule tonight so I'm no waking up this early every day. Our condo is okay...nothing great...except the view. We're actually next door to our condo from last year. Know what that means? Crappy Internet! Fortunately, Jenn has a wireless card this year, so I should be able to post regularly. This post, however, is being done from the iPad...so I'm keeping it short. I'll post more later, once we really settle in ( we haven't even been into town yet). Just to make everyone jealous...I'm listening to the waves crash on the rocks in the dark outside our condo:-)


October 1, 2010

This was a bright idea...

In retrospect, I should have booked a Sunday flight, and given myself one full day to get ready to fly out to Kona.  But....WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING....booking a 6am flight on Saturday morning.  I was just informed our car service to the airport arrives at 3:45am.  WTF.  Next post from the Big Island...

September 28, 2010

I want to get outta Dodge!

As I expected, this week is going to be tough.  It's always tough to get ready to go on vacation, no matter what you do.  But, my stress levels are throught the roof already.  I guess it's a good thing I'm in my taper, because I think I'd have a hard time coming home to do any serious workouts....I'm just fried.  In the midst of all my work-related issues, I also need to find time to prepare to leave.  We fly out on Saturday morning, so there's no "off" day to get ready.  I've already begun to lay my things out.  I figure I'll probably pack everything tomorrow night, then do my final adjustments on Friday.  And, as per usual, when I say "I'll pack", I really mean Jenn.  One nice thing happened today...we got bumped to first class on the first leg of our trip.  I've never flown first class, so I'm looking forward to it!  As for the rest of the week.....I'm just keeping this thought in my head......

September 24, 2010

Whew! Please get me through this next week!

Okay, one more week of work...and it's really worrying me.  Work has just been consuming me lately.  If I'm not working, I'm stressing about it.  It has really been affecting my workouts (or causing me to miss them).  Fortunately the taper started...so all the hard work is already done.  Now, I just need to get through the next week of work and hope nothing blows up at the office while I'm gone.  I do, however, need to start thinking about the race and my trip, which begins next Saturday.  I'm no where near ready to go or mentally prepared to race.  People sometimes wonder why athletes leave for IM races so early before the race....it's to get away from the normal distractions so we can concentrate on the task ahead.  Some may say, well its only a race....but I say, yes it's ONLY a race, but it's THE race I've trained for since last November!!!!
This weekend is all about the final workouts, and getting mentally and physically ready to leave.

September 20, 2010

Mystery Solved...and hello Taper!

For the past few weeks I've had a tough time getting dialed into my bike....just not feeling comfortable...and lacking power.  Now I know why!  Apparently, somehow, my seat post dropped down.  I have no idea how.  Since the bolts were tight, it never dawned on me that this could happen.  And, I didn't really want to mess with it.  I'm notorious for not feeling "good" and adjusting my position on the bike...which can make matters worse.  Anyway, on Saturday, I just had it.  So, about an hour into my ride I pulled the post up and noticed the electrical tape exposed below (which was at some point marking my position).  I estimate my post had dropped by approximately a 1/2 inch.  I felt much better immediately.  Although I still need to go back and accurately re-measure everything.  The only downside is that now that I've been riding with the wrong position, re-adjusting everything throws mechanics out of whack.  I was struggling with knees and back during the end of my ride.  I guess I have a couple of weeks to get this fully resolved!

Oh...back to the ride.  It was a good one.  I meet the QT2 contingent of Tim Tapply, Jesse Kropelnicki, and Tim and Cait Snow out in Concord and we proceeded to ride out to Wachusett Mountain.  It was a solid ride...and some fun.  Fun to the extent that it's fun to ride with different people....or anyone at all!  I've done the majority of my long rides by myself this year.  However, these guys were doing 7 hours, starting from West Roxbury....and before I knew it, I was out so far that my 5 hour ride turned into 6 hours.  But, other than my physical issues from changing bike positioning, I felt good.  But those physical issues reared their ugly head during my transition run.  I reduced my run from 40 to 30, since I rode an extra hour (I figured that was a fair tradeoff).  But, my knees were bugging me the whole time.  Oh well....like I said, time to get things right!

Yesterday was my last long run of the year.  I decided to head out to Elm Bank (park) in Wellesley to do my run.  Elm Bank has a 2.35 mile loop (mix of soft surface and pavement....with a decent little hill on it), so I can hit my car every loop for nutrition.  It also has porto-potties....if the mood should strike!  Jenn and Billie came with me and did the reverse loop walking.  It was good to see them....kept me motivated.  All in all this was my best long run of the year.  Although I ran a faster pace during my last long run for LP, we had specific goals for this run:  (1) keep the HR in Zone 1 and 2 for the run, except for the last 30 minutes where it goes to Zone 3; and (2) run 2:15 straight.  I accomplished both.  There were two oddities during this run though.  My first mile was noticeably slow....and I'm not sure why.  I don't think I ran an 8:50 first mile.  Also, about 12 miles in, after the mood struck me to use the bathroom, my HR spike for the better part of two miles.  I know my body well, and I can tell you that it didn't rise to over 200 beats per minute!  Anyway, I ended up with a 7:15 avg for 19 miles.  If you take out the first mile, the avg is 7:09.  Not bad considering I kept my HR at or below 140 for the first 14 miles.  My last 5 miles were 7:00, 6:41, 6:43, 6:47 and 7:00 (which included a 1/4 mile cooldown).

The big workouts are now DONE!  Things start to dial back from here.  Next weekend is short...only a 3 hour bike and an 80-90 minute run.


September 18, 2010

Feeling "IT"!

I'm definitely feeling "IT" these days.  Last weekend completely crushed me....and I've been doing my best to get through the week from a physical and mental standpoint.  My split run on Sunday (1:15/:60) took a toll on my right knee.  I had to bail on my Tuesday run, but was able to get my Thursday run in (in the pouring rain, I might add).  Mentally, I'm just ready to get into the taper and a better mindset to race.  Right now I just want to get this friggin' thing over with.  However, I think I have another good race in me this season, if I can get in the right mindset, taper well, and get back to feeling "dialed in" on the bike.  Today is the last big ride (next week is 3 hours)....5 hours and a 40 minute transition run.  I'm really hoping to get that "feel" back on the bike today....stay tuned!

September 12, 2010

Epic Saturday

While I have many long training days leading into an ironman race, there's typically that ONE day that stands out.  For me, that day was yesterday.  It consisted of an early swim, a 6 hour ride, and an hour run w/tempo.  This workout was originally scheduled for last weekend, but w/Jenn in China, I didn't want to leave my dog by herself all day (and this w/out would take ALL DAY).  So, I spoke to my coach and we bumped it out by a week.  My day started at 5:45, as I started to get some food in me.  I got the wetsuit on and headed to Mystic Lake for my swim.  Originally, I was supposed to go for an hour, but since I swam the day before, I reduced it to 35 minutes.  It was a good swim.  I'm feeling very good in the open water right now.  However, since most of the pools in the area shut down for a couple of weeks this time of year, I haven't been in a pool since the end of August.  I need to get in some speed and stroke work over the next few weeks, as my pool opens back up tomorrow.  After my swim, I quickly got home and got ready to ride.  I was meeting Tim Tapply in Concord Center (about a 30 minute ride)...so I was on a schedule.  As soon as I got on my bike, I knew that this was going to be a long day.  My quads hurt immediately....and I also was having difficulty getting "dialed" into my bike.  I have these stretches, where I just don't feel comfortable.  Hopefully that will go away in the next couple of weeks...as I have no intention of screwing around w/my bike fit right now.  Anyway, after manuevering through the parade that was happening in Concord, Tim and I finally caught up w/each other at Walden Pond.  We proceeded to do a long loop that I sometimes ride (ultimately, I did the loop 3 times).  Fortunately for me, Tim also wasn't feeling great....so we could suffer together.  It was a decent ride from an effort standpoint....although my power was lacking a bit.  I did have one incident where my Gel Flask basically exploded on me.  It was my fault...the cap wasn't screwed on flush.  There's nothing like gel covering your hands...it might as well be crazy glue.  The only good thing was that it happened about 10 minutes before we had planned to stop at a store...where I could wash it off.  Tim peeled off from me at about 4.5 hours in....so I did the last loop solo.  I was definitely starting to suffer.  For some reason my right knee was really bothering me on the ride....and was hindering my ability to ride.  I did my best to keep working....but was really starting to get worried about the run...something that I was trying not to think about.  The last thing you want to do during one of these days is think about how much the next part is going to hurt (just like an IM).  I managed to pull in my driveway at 6:04....my longest ride this year...heck...probably since 2008.  I was hurting as I walked in my house.  I ate a banana and got dressed to run.  Out the door....knees were hurting a little...but not quite as bad as I thought they'd be.  After a 7:16 first mile, I started to get dialed in and realized that I was going to be okay.  The run was supposed to be 40 minutes of IM tempo (I did 45 minutes...because I forgot what I was supposed to do).  So, as I locked into a HR and pace....I clipped off mid 6 minute miles....and kept my HR right where it was supposed to be.  Where the hell did this come from....I actually felt good.  All in all, I averaged 6:50 pace w/cooldown.  Very nice way to finish things off.

Thankfully this one is over.  Today is a split run...w/the longest portion being only 1:15.  Managable.  Next week is another long ride...but only 5 hours.  The Sunday run, however, is a bit more daunting.  It's another split run:  1:45 (w/tempo) in the AM; 1 hour in the PM.  After that, I suspect that things will start to taper down.  After 7 straight years of this type of training, I will say that I won't miss it.  I'll still incorporate some long rides and runs into the season....but starting your day at 5:45am and finishing your workout at 4:30pm kind of sucks!  Not to mention, your body is so fatigued after a day like that, that it's difficult to sleep (much like after an IM).  Last night I woke up at 2am...and was up for good at 4:50am.  Again...thankfully Epic Saturday is over.  Okay, time to get a couple of runs done...and watch some football!


September 5, 2010

Hey Legs....nice to see you again!

Well, the legs are finally coming back...and it's taken longer than expected (well, for me...not my coach).  Anyway, I've now gotten two good runs the past two weekend.  Last weekend was a 2 hour progression run... 40 minutes @ z1, 40 @ z2, 40 @ z3.  I intentionally started the w/o later to run in the heat.  It was a solid workout.  However, I miscalculated the last 40 minutes w/respect to hydration...and was suffering at the end.  All in all, around 6:53 pace for 17+ miles.  Today was a shorter run...90 minutes @ z1/2.  Again, I waited until around 9:30 to run.  But, it really didn't warm up much.  So, I wore my underarmour heat shirt during the run.  The first couple of miles were torture, as my knees were really hurting (nothing like running in pain!).  But, after the first couple of miles, the pain subsided and I started cranking along.  I kept my pace consistent and my stride tight...and clipped off an average of approx. 6:30 miles for the middle 8-9 miles.  I even hit a 6:15 mile in there.  My overall average was 6:50 even.  Anyway, the legs are finally coming back....just in time. 

Jenn's been gone for a week now.  She's traveling in China.  She gets back next Friday, and I'll be happy to have my training partner back.  She makes this task a whole lot easier.  She may not actually swim, ride and run with me.  But, she encourages me and helps me through my workouts....and even drives out to meet me on my run to hand off fluids and nutrition.  The best training partner there is.  And, I'll need her as I have a 3 sport day next Saturday.  Swim, 6 hour ride, hour run.  I cringe just thinking about that one!


September 2, 2010

Random thoughts before Earl...

Well, I thought I'd post some random thoughts today, just in case Hurricane Earl takes a quick left and wipes out Eastern Massachusetts.  Random Thought #1:  We have three ipod shuffles....and none of them seem to work. Or, if they do, it's for like 30 minutes.  There is nothing more challenging than starting a run with tunes....and then losing said tunes. Random Thought #2: Quite often I run on the Minuteman Bike Path  in Arlington.  Now, mind you, it's called a "bike path", but if you're a serious cyclist you shouldn't be on it....or you shouldn't be on it riding 25mph...or in your aerobars...especially when it's a nice day and very crowded.  Nothing pisses me off more than having some fly by on a bike veering in and out of people.  It's a recipe for disaster.  Hit the roads like a real cyclist (rant over).  Random Thought #3:  I've been running in pain for the better part of 3 months now with patellar tendonits in the knees.  It's not fun.  I'll be happy to give my knees some rest after IM.  Be kind Earl!

August 27, 2010

555 and Timberman

I know....I know...I've let another 2 weeks slip by without posting.  Well, it's been a busy 2 weeks.  I've been travelling the past two weekends.  Two weeks ago, I travelled down to Cape May, New Jersey, my home town to visit my family and participate in the 5-5-5.  The 5-5-5 is an informal, grassroots event put on by my friends Chad and Terry to raise money and awareness for cancer research....and it consists of a 5 mile ocean swim, 5 mile beach cruiser bike and a 5 mile run.  It's a total blast....having done it last year (inaugural).  For me, it's a reunion of sorts...as I get to see a lot of old friends.   Although the event is not a race, and is for fun, I decided that I really wanted to focus on the swim since it would help in my Kona prep....not to mention that it kicked by butt last year.  With the strong currents, the swim isn't really 5 miles....it's probably closer to 3-3.25.  But that's still a long swim!  I swam the entire course without stopping...which was one of my goals...and finished around 6th.  It was much improved from last year.  I mounted my beach cruiser and headed out trying to catch the people in front of me.  I think I must have been spinning at around 120 rpms!  I averaged around 18+ mph for 5 miles....not too bad for a beach cruiser.  Then onto the run....typically my strongest event.  As much as this is a fun event....as many of you know, I do have an ego...so I wanted to catch the people in front.  Well, I knew this was not going to be easy based on how my legs felt....like trash.  I could barely muster low 6 minute miles....which is typically ez for me.  This is where I realized just how much the ironman hurt me....3 weeks earlier.  Unlike last year, where I finished 4th....I was able to catch everyone in front and finish tied for 1st.  Again, it was a blast.  I even ran into an old, old friend (Joe)....who I learned was doing the Timberman 70.3 the following weekend....which I was planning to attend as a spectator.

After a bunch of text messages, Joe graciously allowed me to crash in his hotel room with him at Timberman.  I was supposed to camp...which I haven't done since I was 15....and thankful that remains the last time I camped!  Although I was going up to spectate the race, I had a training agenda to keep as well.  Saturday was a 4 and a half hour ride...with a 20 minute transition run and Sunday was a long run.  These were my first long workouts since the ironman (save for the long swim the previous week).  Both went well.  I rode with Matt Pokress and we rode strong.  I could definitely feel it in my legs...but happy to get it in.  The long run went as well as expected given how my legs felt.  I've now done 7 ironman races....but this past one did the most damage (fatigue) to me.  I'm just hoping to recover while still putting in the big weeks before Kona.

I took a bunch of pictures during the Timberman 70.3:




August 12, 2010

Slow and steady.

I'm now approaching 3 weeks post IMLP....and the legs are still a bit lethargic.  I've gotten a couple of runs in.  All have gone well, time wise....but my legs have been sore after.  I did get a decent ride in last weekend.  It was only 1:45, but I had some intensity in there....and it felt decent.  Next week the volume starts back up.  I'm scheduled to head up to Gilford, NH to do some training and watch teammates and friends race the Timberman sprint and half iron races.  I'm camping...which should be interesting (if you don't know this about me yet, I'm pretty much a hotel snob...I like my accomodations!).  I'm also going to meet up w/my coach who's also racing the 70.3 race.  It should be fun.

The one thing I have been doing is getting some open water swimming in....w/out the wetsuit.  I've been meeting on Wednesday mornings to swim at Mystic Lake in Arlington....and I got a pretty good long swim there last Sunday (over 60 minutes solo).  This coming weekend I'll be getting a lot of swimming in.  I'm heading to my hometown of Cape May tomorrow to visit w/family and friends, and do the 555 charity event/race.  It's a grassroots event.  5 mile ocean swim (fast w/current); 5 mile beach cruiser bike; 5 mile run.....all to raise money for cancer research.  It's basically a bunch of locals, ex lifeguards, and some invited guests getting together for the event and some post race festivities.  I did it last year and it was a blast.  I will, however, be wearing a wetsuit!   It's way too long to be in the water w/out one.


August 7, 2010

Square One....

Man, I feel like I'm back at square one...like I was in November/December.  I honestly don't know how some people are coming off of their races at LP and putting in big weeks already.  I ran for the first time on Wednesday.  Although my time/pace was good....I could tell that I was a mess.  My knees were killing me afterwards.  Then, the following morning, I felt like crap.  I didn't feel well for 2 days.  Fortunately, I'm feeling better this morning....which is good, because I need to get out there on the bike!  After consulting w/my coach, the goal for the next few weeks is not to kill myself...but rather get some good training in while recovering.  It makes no sense to bury myself now.  As they say, Ironman is hard...or everyone would do it!  It takes a while to recover.

One of the tough things about training for IM are the sacrifices made.  My wife makes them all the time for my training.  This was very clear on Thursday night.  We had tickets to go see Interpol at the House of Blues....one of my favorite bands.  I had been dying to see these guys.  But, feeling the way I did, I decided to skip it.  I just couldn't afford to put myself deeper into a hole.  If it was February...I would have gone.  But, with only a handful of weeks to train for Kona, I decided that I needed the rest more than the show.  It sucks...but it's the path I chose.   Minimal on the larger scale...I know.  But a sacrifice nonetheless!

August 2, 2010

How I enjoyed my one week of Summer....

So, it's been a week since IMLP....and I haven't done one thing physically....really.  We got home last Tuesday and it literally took me until the weekend to fully unpack.  One of the cons to having a good race is the endorphin crash that inevitably comes a few days later.  It's like a hangover....and it takes a few days to recover.  This past weekend, Jenn and I took our dog Billie out to Great Brook Farm in Carlisle for a walk/hike through the woods.  It was fun.  We spent about 2 hours out there.  Even on an ez hike, all of the aches and pains from IM started surfacing.  So, it was good that last week was all rest.  My coach prescribed exactly that.  This week we'll start to get into training again...but it will be a slow start.  For me, the bigger thing is nailing my nutrition for the next 2 months.  I was at my lightest in 8-9 years when I raced IMLP.  I'd actually like to be a bit under that for IMH in October.  Jenn and I are really going to focus on buying the right foods.  We always eat healthy...but for the next 2 months...we're going to eat like we're on a mission...which we are.  Yesterday we finalized our travel plans to Hawaii.  I'm pretty excited.  We're staying for a little over a week in Kona for the race, as we always do.  But, this year we're flying to Oahu for 4 nights and staying on the North Shore.  I've always wanted to see Sunset Beach, Waimea Bay, and Pipeline.  It will be a nice way to relax and unwind after a day of suffering in the lava fields.  Okay....resume training....Now!


July 29, 2010

IMLP: Race Report

Here’s what I posted on my blog after competing in the 2008 Ironman World Championship in Kona:

As I look back at my race in Hawaii, I'm now realizing how cool it really was. While I was there, it was cool, but it was also another race. Now that it's over, I realize how special the race and the island really are. Not everyone will agree with me on this. Not everyone likes the race after they compete. But, I loved it. I actually miss Kona. It went by soooo fast (including the race). And, I've already decided that I'm going back...someday (I have to qualify again first). I'm also going to do another ironman in the next couple of years. Hawaii was my first solid day at the ironman distance, after 5 attempts...so now I actually see what I can do at the distance.

Mission accomplished! What can I say….I’m thrilled. In short, I finished 21st overall (including pros), 8th amateur, and 3rd in my age group.

Although I did race in Kona last year (I luckily slid into a slot by finishing 5th in my age group at Rhode Island 70.3), I had set my long term sights on 2010. As soon as I got back from Hawaii last year, the road to 2010 began. I started working with my new coach, Chris Thomas of Lifesport; got re-fit on my bike at Fitwerx; got an SRM and Computrainer (thx Jenn) so I could train and race w/power. But, most of all, I made a diligent effort to refocus on my training….after all, it’s very easy to get complacent after 6 years of racing ironman.

My preparation for this race was much different than in the past. My rides and runs were much more focused on power, pace and tempo. But, the one thing I didn’t have, which I’ve had in the past, is the volume training. I went into IMLP with only one true ride of over 100 miles. Most of my rides were 80 miles and under. Although, I’m definitely much stronger on the bike now. And, I think I only had 2 runs of 2 hours…but I’ve felt very good on those runs. So, part of me was very curious to see how IMLP was going to unfold.

As raceday approached, although I wasn’t too nervous….I was having trouble sleeping. I’ve had this problem in the past. I probably should have gotten an Ambien prescription for the days leading into the race, but I forgot to….so I did my best to limit my sleep deprivation. Physically, my body was raring to go…my legs felt good. I was staying w/Tim Tapply while in LP. Tim did great….he actually won the age group and finished 3rd amateur overall. It’s funny, sometimes being around other athletes really stresses me out. But, Tim didn’t stress me out at all….which was good.


I woke up at 3:45am, after not falling asleep until 1am (getting less than 3 hours sleep is great when you have a 9-10 hr day ahead of you!). I got my nutrition in me, then got back in bed for a half hour to rest. Tim and I headed down to transition around 5:30. The place was buzzing w/people. Very methodically, I set up my bike, checked my T1 and T2 bags and got in line to use the bathroom one more time. Tim and I had walked through transition the day before to get a lay of the land and visualize coming in (something I can’t emphasize enough). I waited in line for the bathroom w/some other BTT teammates…and just tried to stay relaxed. I got bodymarked….then headed down to the swim start w/Jenn. I got the wetsuit on and then tried to find some space amongst the crowds to sit down, visualize and just get mentally prepared. I headed into the water just after the pros went off (6:50). Of course, I got kicked in the chin before the race even started. I wasn’t happy and let the guy know it. I tried to get some good placing along the swim start. I knew that this was going to be a very physical swim….with 2500 people in such a small place. With so many people in the swim, it was nice to look to my right and see teammate Jason Soules (w/Carolyn Cullings seeded just behind). At least I’d know who was throwing the punches and elbows from the right side! The national anthem was sung….and it’s time to go.


The cannon went off…and so did the hordes. The first 500 meters were crazy. My plan was to seed myself towards the middle of the start line and just swim straight out (most swimmers gravitate to the buoys and the visible cable beneath the water that connects them). I’m sure this plan helped me…but I still got pounded. I tried to sit on some feet and draft…but got bumped off by some swerving swimmer every time I thought I had good feet to follow. Unlike the other events, it’s hard to tell if you’re having a good swim from a time perspective while you’re out there. So, I was curious to see what my time was on the first loop. As I made my way back to end the first loop I told myself to relax and not get rattled if my time was slow. The swim will not end my race. I looked up as I exited the water and saw that it read around 28:45. Not great….but not too bad either. So, I hustled through to start my second lap. I used my old lifeguarding skills of surfdashing and dolphin diving through the shallow water. It’s definitely faster to do this…but it also gets the heartrate up quite a bit….and I was feeling it as I started swimming. The second lap was like the first….I got into a rhythm and did my best to avoid contact. I did notice that it started to rain while I was swimming. I exited the water and immediately ran to a wetsuit stripper (people waiting at the end of the swim to pull off the wetsuits). Time: 59:08.


The run to T1 is long. I tried to move quickly to the Oval (where T1 is set up). I was happy to have walked transition the day before….it helped. I ran straight to my transition bag and into the changing tent. While trying to move quickly, I settled down to make sure I didn’t “rush” anything…and forget something stupid. I ran out of the tent and grabbed my bike and off I went.


As soon as I got on my bike, I realized that my heartrate was not registering on my SRM (bike computer). Since I didn’t want to have to keep looking at my watch to see HR on the bike, I quickly paired the HR to the SRM so I could see both Power and HR in the same place. However, I noticed another issue right away. My small chainring was not shifting correctly. This concerned me….and the small chainring may not be as important on a flat course like IM Florida….but on a hilly course, like IM Lake Placid, it’s huge. As I climbed out of town I realized that I really only had use of my two easiest gears….everything else was skipping out of gear. THIS BIKE IS GOING TO BE FUN! The other thing I noticed right away is that my stomach was a bit bloated and I was having trouble drinking the Powerbar Perform (sports drink). On the climb out of town, I passed my buddy Tim, and my buddy Matt passed me. As I crested the top of the climb out of town, I prepared myself for the 8 mile descent into Keene. I decided I was going to be a bit more aggressive on the downhill section. Easier said than done….with wind and wet roads. I was flying downhill, hitting the low 40s….and got a bit of the “death wobble” with my disc wheel. I decided that 40 mph was fast enough. As we ended the descent, we turned left and hit a much flatter section into Jay. I was able to lock and load in the aerobars….and really focus on my power and hr. My plan called for HR between 132-139 and power between 220-250 watts on the first loop. I thought I did a pretty good job of keeping within the limits…especially on the climbs. Since I was having trouble with the Powerbar drink, I decided to grab water instead and take extra salt capsules…which seemed to work. One thing I’ve realized over several years of racing….and much heeded advice…is to have a Plan “B”. As I hit the second half of the first loop, I began my climb back into Wilmington. This is where I started to feel the effects of the small chainring. Although it was nice to have the easiest gears, I would spin out, unless I shifted to the big chainring….which also wasn’t cooperating. I would have to manipulate the gears to shift in and out. It was a bit unnerving. Especially when I dropped my chain for the first time….on an incline (I wound up dropping my chain 2 more times). I finished up the first loop and headed out on the second loop. As I was climbing out of town again, Tim passed me (Matt was still out front and putting time into us). I tried to keep Tim in sight as we screamed down the hill for the second time. As we hit the flat section, I was able to slowly reel Tim in. I passed Tim and stayed out front for the next 10 miles. But, he passed me around mile 90 and that was the last I saw of him on the bike. This is about the same time that my “lack of bike miles” started to affect me. My HR was still good, but my power went way down. I was having trouble holding 190-205 watts. However, I knew that I was still in a fairly good position…so I did my best to limit the damage and get through the remainder of the bike. I dropped my chain on the last 10 miles back into town…and this one really frustrated me as I had a hard time getting my cleat clipped back in….and I was on a hill. Between my mechanical issues and my lack of "miles" over the last 20 miles….I definitely left some time out on the course. Oh well. I finished up my bike and started to think about my second transition. Bike Time: 5:23:41


Back into the changing tent…shoes on….and straight to the bathroom. I lost a few seconds here…but I had to go. I downed some Advil, and ate half a banana and headed out.


Heading out on the first loop, it’s easy to go out too fast….it’s downhill. Even though I would have dialed my heart rate back, I was happy to see my friends Jesse and Pat, who calmly told me to slow down….which I did. However, I felt great. The plan called for me to keep the HR between 153-157 on the first loop…and I did a fairly good job of it. I passed a lot of people. As I was approaching the turn around of the first out and back section, I saw Matt, who was running well. I figured that he was at least a mile ahead of me. I saw Tim shortly thereafter. Tim also looked great. I figured that if he could hold form, Tim would win the age group, since he’s a really strong runner (and he did). As I approached the ski jumps, I saw Brian Shea of Personal Best Nutrition who told me that I was in 5th position in the AG. I still felt really good and wanted to move up as far as I could. I figured that I was running around 2:55 marathon pace….and it was effortless. Thoughts of holding this pace and finishing with a really strong time crept into my head…..and as quickly as they did, I pushed them right back out. I’ve had too many races go south. It’s not over until it’s over….KEEP FOCUSED! As I entered town, I really had to hold back. The streets were just lined with people. And, being from Boston, it’s like a hometown race. I heard my name yelled all day. On the out and back along the lake, I saw Tim approaching from the other direction. He had passed Matt. He told me that I was now in 4th position. I then saw Matt….who was still pretty far ahead. At this point, I got a little frustrated. I mean…I was running pretty damn fast….but I wasn’t gaining time on him like I thought I would. However, it was not the time to lose focus…there were still over 13 miles of running to do. So, I got back to it. On my way out to the ski jumps, I could tell that things were going to get tough. The legs started to fade a bit…and the stomach started bothering me just a bit. I decided that it was time to start taking some cola at the next aid station. As I approached the out and back for the second time, I saw Matt…and this time I could tell that I had gained some time back. I tried to make a push to catch him. FINALLY…..about a mile later, I caught sight of him. At the same time, Cait Snow, the eventual 2nd place female, rolled up on me. I had held her off the majority of the run. But, my wheels were coming off at this point…and she finally caught me. I told Cait that I’d run w/her as long as I could….but at least until I caught my teammate. A few minutes later, we caught and passed Matt. I then told Cait that I was done….but she coaxed me to keep going…which I tried. But, then I realized….if I kept her pace…I was going to fall off of it very quickly! So, I let her go…and tried to finish up my day as strongly as I could. As I climbed back into town and glanced over my shoulder a few times to see where Matt was. He was still there…about 100 yards back. Finally, as I made the last climb into town, I glanced back and he wasn’t there anymore. As I passed the crowds…I didn’t want to start thinking about the finish yet. There was just too much running to do…and I was struggling. As I made my way through the last turnaround (with about a mile to go), I finally was able to start getting excited about my finish. I started to acknowledge my teammates and friends lining the course…who were providing great inspiration all day. As I circled the Olympic Oval….I was pretty emotional. It’s such a long day….and I (like everyone else that competed) left a lot out on that race course. What a great feeling finishing and actually accomplishing what I had set out to do.

I had crossed too many Ironman finish lines with a much different feeling….so this was pure exhilaration. Run Time: 3:07:08.

Finish Time: 9:37:00

So, I punched my ticket to Kona for the third 3rd year in a row. I keep getting congratulated for getting the Kona spot…which is great. But, to me, Kona was secondary to having a good race at Lake Placid. Of course, I’m thrilled to get to go back to the Big Island. It’s one of my favorite places on the planet. But, LP was my ultimate goal.  I know that this is going to sound cheesy….but I’d be remiss not to thank a few people who helped me achieve my result on Sunday. First and foremost, my wife Jenn. She puts up with way more crap than she should ever have to. My coach, Chris, who not only got me to the starting line in the best shape I’ve been in and provided me with a rock solid raceday gameplan, but also talked me off the ledge a few times. Lastly, Matt Pokress. If not for our epic battle out there on the run, I don’t think I would have gone as fast as I did.

July 28, 2010

Mission Accomplished

I plan to write a much longer race report....which I'll post in a few days, but here's the low down:  I had a solid day out there.  I kept to my power and heart rate numbers all day.   I had to overcome a few hurdles out there....both mechanical and physical.  I came off the bike in 10th place in my age group and ran myself into 3rd place with a 3:07 marathon (my IM PR).  I finished 21st overall and 8th overall amateur.  It's kind of funny...going into the race I figured (hoped) that my friend Tim Tapply, who I shared accomodations with, my friend/teammate Matt Pokress, and I would all be battling for age group podium spots.....and we did.  Tim finished first, I finished third and Matt finished fourth.  Not too shabby that three Boston guys took 3 of the 5 podium spots.  Not too mention, all three of us are heading to Kona in October.

Like I said, longer race report to come....

July 24, 2010

Almost Race Day

Okay, so I'm here in Lake Placid (LP), and have been since Wednesday, but I haven't really been posting because our service here is so bad.  Anyway, race day is tomorrow...and other than a bit lacking in sleep, I'm ready to go....I just hope my bike is!  Yesterday, while my friend, Pat Wheeler, was doing a quick adjustment on my bike, he realized that the derailer hanger is cracked....ie., my bike frame.  He doesn't think this will be an issue tomorrow, but obviously it's on the back of my mind.

As much as I'm trying to stay relaxed, I'm a barrel of stress right now.  I can physically feel it (thus the lack of sleep).  I'm just going to try to stay as relaxed as possible through tomorrow morning.....then I get to battle the demons that this race course threw at me in 2006.  The one thing I'm not looking forward to tomorrow is the swim.  It's going to be a complete battlefield.  There are 3000 people registered for this race...and it's a mass swim start.  I'm going to need to go out fast.

Well....that's all for now.  I'll post a race report following the race.  Now I get to head out to eat a breakfast for 3.....this is my biggest meal of the day.  If you want to follow me tomorrow, you can go to www.ironman.com and go to athlete tracking.   My number is 899.


July 20, 2010

Finally....I get to transform from attorney to full time athlete!

The last week or two have been stressful....trying to get physically ready to race Lake Placid, while trying to prepare to leave my office for a week.  Well, I finally punched out today....and will leave the fate of my firm in the capable hands of those I employ!  Now I get to put my full focus on LP....my seventh ironman.  Two weeks ago I was ready to roll...but now...I'm just hoping to run.  Sunday I had an ez run scheduled...so I decided to save the legs and do it on the soft surface of the Battle Road in Concord.  I was running very ez...but about halfway in, I felt a tweak in the right calf muscle.  It was slight...but it was there.  Now it's really got me nervous.  I've been icing, and massaging....and today I saw my fantastic chiropractor, Peter McManus, who did some Graston and ultrasound on it.  All I can do is keep my fingers crossed. 

Anyway, at this point, I'm just about packed up and ready to go.  I leave early tomorrow morning....solo.  Jenn isn't coming up until Thursday night.  I'm eager to get up there....just to shift focus away from my everyday stresses.  I've been a little neglectful posting recently...but I'll try to do a better job once I'm up there.


July 15, 2010

Old Colony Race Report and other ramblings....

Yeah...I know, I haven't posted in a while.  I just haven't been motivated to post.  Oh well.  I'm into my taper now.  Only 9 days to go.  Bike is in the shop getting final tuneups.  The body has been to the chiropractor and massage therapist for final tuneups.  It's getting close!

This past weekend I raced the Old Colony olympic distance race.  I hemmed and hawed over doing it.  But my coach said that an olympic distance race would be fine 2 weeks out.  So, I did my obligatory Saturday workouts...then got ready to race on Sunday.  When I woke on Sunday, I just wasn't feeling it.  I really wasn't motivated to race.  I'm not sure why...I just wasn't.  But, we drove down, registered and got ready.  Since my new sleeveless suit isn't in yet, I wore my old QR wetsuit that has holes and rips all over it.  The swim went okay.  I came out 4th in my wave.  Since I really didn't know the guys in front, I have no measuring stick.  I got on the bike and went to work.  Racing short is really a different animal.  You just have to go hard right out of the gate...which I'm just not used to doing.  It took me a good few miles to really get going.  I caught 2 of the 3 guys in front of me before the end of the first lap (4 laps).  After the first lap, the course starts to get congested with athletes.  And, being that this wasn't an "A" race, I was careful w/turns and passes.  However, with all the athletes, I couldn't tell if I ever caught the guy in the lead.  I came into transition and realized that I was still in second.  Hmmm.  I really didn't want to have to run all out.  Fortunately, as I exited the trail from T2 to the road, I realized the leader was only 150 meters in front of me.  So, I just kept my pace and reeled him in.  I passed him at about a mile....then put some distance between us.  Once I had lost sight of him, I dialed it back slightly (no need to fry myself).  I came across first...about 3 minutes ahead of second place.  It was nice to get the win....but I was happier w/the way I felt on the bike and run.  It was also great to have a large contingent of BTT teammates out racing and on the course.  It's just a prelude to the big one in 9 days!  Again...in my taper....and energy is low....so I digress.....

July 5, 2010

My Holiday Weekend Vent!

Okay, once in a while I need to vent.  This is one of them times.  I'm a fairly cautious cyclist.  I always try to be aware of my surroundings....especially cars.  So, here I was on the Monday following Independence Day....riding through Concord, Massachusetts....a very well know cycling town.  I'm riding over by a place called Verrill Farms....fairly wide roads and decent shoulders.  There are hardly any cars on the road, mind you.  I'm riding close to the shoulder...as per usual....and not even in my aerobars.  Then I hear it.....beep, beep, beep.  I'm thinking, there's no way this car is beeping at me.  There aren't any cars coming in the opposite direction...and I'm hugging the shoulder.  BEEEEEEP...I turn around to see this 40-50 year old woman in a Mercedes laying into her horn and yelling at me through closed windows.  Of course, those who know me know I took the high road and said nothing;-)  Umm...I may have let a few explicatives fly!  I mean....what did she want me to do?  Where did she expect me to go?  Ride on the grass?  I literally had no other place to go.  Oh....and here's the ironic part.  All of this happened as I passed the "Share The Road" sign....which Concord officials put up for cars to share the road w/cyclists!  NICE!!!!

July 4, 2010

A nice enjoyable holiday weekend....yeah right.

While most were out enjoying the awesome weather that we're having, I was enjoying my last "big" training weekend before LP.  Saturday was rough....a 6 hour bike and 1:30 transition run was on the schedule.  I hit the road around 7:30am.  All systems were go for a while....then I started having some issues with my hamstrings...making it difficult to get comfortable in the aerobars.  I did my best to stay in them.  I hydrated well...but didn't quite hit my nutrition (need to straighten that out quickly).  I finished up the ride with just over 5 and a half hours (I decided that I'd had enough).  I really think that my previous training weekend in LP was catching up w/me.  Anyway, I put my run stuff on and headed out the door.  The plan was to run 45 minutes out...where Jenn would be waiting w/fluids (I also hit a water fountain on my run...2 times).  I made it about 150 meters and then started walking.  I was hurting.  I thought about turning around.  A 1:30 "transition" run just seemed daunting.  But, I said "F" it....keep running.  I figured that if I felt awful, I could hop in the car at 45 minutes (but even that felt really long!).  As I started running, I got into a better groove.  I said to my self that maybe I could do an hour...then stop.  After about 20 minutes I told myself "F" it again....I'm doing this.  About that time, I was running well.  It's amazing....first 200 meter I don't know how I'm going to finish.  Then, 20 minutes into it...I'm running low 7 minute miles.  Lesson learned....just keep moving.  The promising thing is that I could have kept going (w/fluid and some nutrition).  I finished up my 7 hour day strong. 

Today was a solo swim at Mystic Lake.  I wore a sleeveless suit today since the last 2 times I've worn my full suit, I've been cooking, literally.  Not just hot....but almost sick.  When I get hot...my stroke slows a lot!  But, today was a different story.  I felt much, much better.  Unfortunately, my sleeveless is in BAD shape.  So, I'll probably invest in a new one for LP.  I'd still like to wear the full suit...if temps allow.  But, if they're questionable.....I'm going sleeveless.    I followed up my swim with a 45 minute run w/tempo and an hour ez on the bike (road bike). 

Tomorrow is another solo swim...and a 3 hour ride w/an hour of tempo.  Then, finally, a day off on Tuesday.  Less than 3 weeks away.  Time to start getting ready!

Funny story....most of you know my dog, Billie (my little girl).  She doesn't get spooked by much....not even thunder and lighting.  But, she's scared to death of fireworks.  So much so that last night she burrowed under the bed.  Not the covers....the bed!  Then she got stuck and couldn't get out.  Tonight (4th of July) should be fun.

June 29, 2010


Well, I found out a week or so ago that running long before riding long is not something I do well!  When I last reported, I had a 2 hour run planned, then a 5 hour bike.  The bike did not go well.  I only managed 3.5 hours before I bagged it.  I just break down too much physically when I run long to try to ride long after.  My hips, hamstrings, back...make getting in the aerobars almost impossible.  Oh well...lesson learned...and plan adjusted.  I was able to do another, more productive 3.5 hour ride on Sunday with fellow teammate Matt Pokress.

This past weekend I made a quick (okay it's not quick) trip up to Lake Placid for a one man training camp.  Jenn came with me.  We didn't arrive in LP until close to 11pm due to a late start and traffic.  Saturday's plan was a swim, then ride/run.  LP is like a training mecca leading up to the Ironman....athletes everywhere.  I was in the water around 8am, and the swim went well.  It would have been nice to swim with some others....but there weren't as many people out there as I had expected.  Maybe some went out earlier....also, I think some people did the Tupper Lake Half Ironman which was only a short distance away.  After the swim, I got ready for the long portion of the day.  I headed out on the bike...and felt pretty good.  Unfortunately, around 20 miles in my speed stopped working.  I messed around w/my SRM for the next 10 miles trying to get it to work....then figured it was probably the battery in my speed sensor.  I really wanted to have complete measurements for the ride...oh well.  I saw a couple of BTTers, Elaine and Meg, out on the course on the back section....and chatted with each of them as I continued on my way to finish the first lap.  As I was finishing, it began to rain.  I refilled my bottles...then decided to stop by the bike shop to replace the battery in my sensor (also hoping the rain would stop).  After 15-20 minutes, I realized the rain wasn't going to stop....so off I went.  It really wasn't that bad....not a downpour.  I rode the second half fairly strong.  I felt very good on the bike.  I didn't, however, completely hit my nutrition.  It didn't affect me on the bike, but did on my run.  I headed out on the run and was good for 4-5 minutes...the started to struggle.  Fortunately, I saw Jenn around 25 minutes in...who gave me my Powerbar Endurance mix.  I was bonking at this point.  The PB really helped...and I felt much better.  I finished my hour transition run strong.  Good day!  I then got an hour massage to flush the legs...then off to take my forgiving wife to dinner.  I highly recommend the Brown Dog Cafe.  It was very good (but not cheap).

Sunday was the long run.  I ran really well.  Jenn met me every 30 minutes with PB Endurance, water, salt caps, and gels.  I did an out and back....incorporating the run course for ironman.  I kept the HR low (under 150....but closer to a 143 avg) and managed an average of somewhere between 6:45 and 6:49....for a little over 17.5 miles.  Very happy with this....since this is only my second 2 hour run since Kona last year. 

This coming weekend is my last big weekend....then we'll start to dial it back.   

June 19, 2010

IM Training....the grind....

Up at 5:45....out by 7am....first 2 hour run of the year in the books.  I freakin hate running more than 90 minutes.  My knee is aching (no idea why), and I'm hurting right now.  You'd think that I'd be able to relax the remainder of my Saturday.  NOPE.  I'm now getting ready for my 4 and a half hour bike ride.  Ahh...the glamorous life of an IM triathlete!  Gotta love eating left over pasta and chicken at 10:45 in the morning to refuel.  I had planned to start the bike at noon....but the way I'm feeling....it looks to be a 1pm start....finishing up around 5:30 or so.

Next week I'm planning on hitting Lake Placid for a one man training camp....if the weather cooperates.

June 14, 2010

Reflecting on Eagleman

Okay, I've had a day (and a very long drive) to reflect on my race at Eagleman.  I've had some mixed emotions over it.  To some extent, I've beat myself up over what I consider a subpar performance.  But, in looking back at it, it wasn't terrible.  Yes, I would have liked to have done better.  But, 4:31 on that course with those conditions....and a swim that was approximately 5-7 minutes slow, isn't really that bad.  Don't get me wrong....I'm not one bit happy with it.  But, it's not like I didn't compete.  If anything, it showed me some new strengths....and exposed some weaknesses (which I plan to shore up in the next month).  I will say this about it though....that was one of my more painful races I've ever done.  I was in a world of hurt on the run....and I'm paying for it today.

So, what's next?  Lake Placid.  I definitely have some work to do before that race.  No rest for the weary!  Here are some pics from Eagleman (first two are from the Hyatt...and as you can see, the area is just beautiful):

M35-39 Swim Coral
Onto the bike (you can see me fumbling w/my helmet!)

Flo heading out on the run

Coming into T2

Coming in to the finish

June 13, 2010

Collateral Damage....we'll almost.

Okay, just a quick race report.  This race did not go as planned.  Although I kept it to myself, I had a "feeling" going into this race that something was going to go wrong (I had the same feeling going into LP 2006)....and it did.  It was a no wetsuit swim...which didn't bother me.  I've been swimming well in the pool and felt good warming up.  But, I just didn't swim well.  I have no explanation for it.  I'll have to look into this more as I get ready for LP.  My T-1 was a disaster.  I had trouble getting my team jersey on.  I decided not to wear it during the swim (as I had forgotten to bring my speed suit)...and didn't want the pockets to catch water.  Anyway, it took some effort to get it on.  The bigger problem was my helmet.  When I put it on, it was seriously loose.  I realized that the internal support snaps had come undone.  I fumbled with it and resnapped everything in and put it on.  Onto the bike.....unsnapped again!  There was just no way that I was going to be able to ride 56 miles w/my helmet loose on top of my head.  So, about 3/4 of a mile in, I stopped to fix it.  It took me some time to get all of the snaps connected.  Note to self...recheck equipment in transition!  Back onto the bike.  Look down at my power....no SRM!  HOLY SHIT!  My SRM must have bounced off.  This had to be my fault.  I must not have completely secured it...because if it was secured....there's no way it would have come off.  I actually turned my bike around and rode back to the spot where I fixed my helmet.   Not there....and, what the hell was I doing?  I turned around and decided to get back in the race....mentally.  It was tough though....knowing an $800 piece of equipment is somewhere on the road.  And, the fact that I was going solely on heartrate and feel.  I had no power, cadence or speed.  After this fiasco, I actually rode well.  I would have liked to know what I would have rode w/out the technical issues.  I definitely lost a few minutes (including transition time) due to the problems.  Oh well.  Oh...I forgot to mention....this was one of the more difficult Eagleman bikes I've done.  It was pretty damn windy out there.  Pushing harder on the bike really took a lot out of me.  Off the bike and out of transition (no issues this time!)....I got passed immediately by a guy in my AG.  He was moving.  No way was I staying with him without completely blowing up.  I dialed it back to keep my HR in check.  I reeled in a bunch of guys.  This run was much like 2 years ago....slow.....but everyone was slow because of the mid 90s heat.  I hit the turn around and made my way home.  Around 9 miles I passed teamate Flo who knocked some sense into me.  I was cooked at this point and ready to throw in the towel and finish.  But, Flo told me that there were some AG guys not too far in front.  So, I went to work.  I caught 4 guys in the last 3-4 miles.  My last mile was probably my fastest.  I thought I had finished 5th or so.....but after viewing the results...a very unsatisfying 9th in the AG.  The AG was stacked.  The only good thing is that even with a perfect race, a Kona slot would have been tough.  It went to 1st and 3rd in the AG...or 1st and 6th amatuer overall.  The saving grace of this race is that my SRM power unit was found...thankfully!  Time to get ready for Lake Placid.  But, first, I'm off for a few beers!

June 12, 2010

On the Eastern Shore...

We arrived in MD yesterday.  The weather is beautiful right now....but they're calling for Tstorms and rain tomorrow.....but low 90 degree temps.  We'll see.  Everytime I come to this race, I'm just in awe of how beautiful the area is.  I mean....it has it's bad, financially stricken areas.  But, the water...and the wildlife preserve are just awesome.  I got out on my bike today...and things feel good.  My father-in-law help me construct (okay he constructed!) a new SRM mount on my bike.  I can now really see my numbers while riding.  I have a feeling I'm the only one racing with anything like this!  It's shaped so it fits into my aero drink bottle. I'll try to take pics at some point.  I also did a quick run.  Afterwards I chatted up w/Brian Shea of Personal Best Nutrition (a NJ guy) and young pro Andrew Yoder....who should be first off the bike tomorrow.  Funny story....back in 2005 I did a local NJ sprint in Hammonton.  I finished 3rd.  But, there was this young 14 or 15 year old kid nipping at my heels.  I was like, who is this kid.....thinking there's no way he should be on my butt like this.  It was Yoder.  Now I don't feel so bad...since this kid has been tangling w/the likes of Potts, Macca, Reed, Bennett, to name a few.  Anyway, at this point, I'm not really sure how I feel.  Not much I can do about it now anyway.  My warmup w/outs are done.  My huge Denny's Grand Slam breakfast is sitting in my stomach....all that's left to do today is kick back and rest up.  Routine, routine, rountine....

June 9, 2010

Four days until Eagleman...

Well, my first "A" race is almost here.  Actually, it's not only an "A" race...but one of my first races of the year.  I'm really getting ansy.  And watching my friends race at Mooseman in NH last weekend didn't help.  It made things worse.  I haven't really slept well the past few nights.  I'm not sure if it's nerves or what.  I have some specific goals for this race...but I'm going to keep those to myself until after.  I will be approaching this race very differently from past races, from a preparation and race standpoint....so it will be interesting to see how it unfolds.  I'll post some updates once we get down to Maryland.

Random thought of the day...okay...more of a venting than a thought...so I do most of my track work at track in Watertown, MA.  It's a decent track that doesn't seem to get much use by schools and teams....which is why I run there.  But, what kills me are the walkers who feel that they must walk in lanes one and two....side by side.  The sign at the track gate clearly states that walkers are to stay out of lane one...not to mention there's a thing called track etiquette.  So, when I do my workouts, I'm constantly squeezing by them....or going on the inside...and sometimes zigzagging through.  You'd think they'd get the picture...but no.  I guess that if they can't read the sign....then they're not going get a subtle hint!  But, I guess I can understand....they want to make sure they hit their 5 minute 400 splits:)  Please people...be considerate!


June 6, 2010

The Collection....

Since I'm in the process of pulling my equipment for Eagleman, I thought now is as good a time as any to show off my running show fetish...er, collection (yes, people, I have a problem)!

Top row (from left to right):  K-Swiss Kruuz; Saucony Fastwitch 4; Saucony Grid Type A2; Mizuno Wave Ronin; Saucony Kinvara;

Second row:  Saucony Fastwitch 3 (Kona shoes '09); Saucony Fastwitch 3 (Kona shoes '08); Asics Magic Racers (I have another pair laying around somewhere too); Fila track spikes; Fila XCountry spikes (these were actually made for Adam Goucher...but he never got them, so I did!);

Third row:  Inov8 X-Talon 212 (trail racers); Nike Lunarfly (new trainers....I love these); Nike Lunarglide; Nike Lunar trainer; Nike Free.

These are all shoes WITH running miles left on them.  And, they don't even represent my entire shoe repertoire.  This picture is missing an older pair of Fila Racers; a couple pair of Nike Lunar trainers; a pair of Mizuno trainers that I won (but hate); Oh...and I have a box in the garage that has shoes in it that I haven't even uppacked from our move a year ago.  But, as you can see, my true fetish lies with the racing flats.  Eleven of the above are basically racing shoes.  As I said, yes people, I have a problem:)

T- 7 Days...Eagleman!

7 days until Eagleman....my early A race.  I'm getting excited.  I love this race.  To me, there's something exotic about travelling to a big race.  Maybe it's the long travel....it makes me feel more invested, I don't know.  But, today I'll start pulling all my gear and laying everything out.  We leave on Thursday afternoon.  But, until then, I have a few workouts on the schedule....

This past week was, again, very tough.  The workouts weren't ridiculously tough....but work was busy (usual theme) and I really struggled w/fatigue from last weekend.  Last weekend looked like this:

Saturday- 4:10 ride w/75 minute tempo and a 30 min tempo built in at 1/2 iron pace, followed by a 20 minute run as 5 minute Z1, 5 min Z2, 5 min Z3, 5 min Z1.

Sunday- Travelled to Maine to run the Pineland Farms 25K.  See previous post for race report.

Monday- 2 hour ride w/20 min. TT/Power Test outside (at the Charlie Baker TT course in Concord).

The cumulative caught up w/me on Wednesday when I had a 15 minute run TT on the track.  I started out okay...at 1:19 for the first 1/4 mile...then got progressively slower.  I bailed at 2 miles, which was timed at a very pedestrian 11:17.  I ran an ez lap, then did another mile at 5:36 (again very slow for me).  I was just a running mess on the track.  It all came to a head on Friday night....when I basically felt like walking death....in a complete haze.  Fortunately, I was able to get a little extra sleep this weekend due to the fact that my schedule is a bit lighter as I get ready for Eagleman.  We did however, adjust my workout on Tuesday which called for 4x 1 mile repeats, to get ready for next weekend.  I'm now only doing 6 x 400s.  I don't mind the repeat miles....but I want to be fresh for Sunday....and those take a lot out of the legs.  So, now it's all about next weekend.  Today is a race simulation. Tomorrow is off....w/massage, ice bath and recovery.  The rest of the week is relatively mild.  Time to get the legs back, so I can try to unleash something special on Sunday.

May 31, 2010

2010 Pineland Farms 25K

So, it’s been a tough workout week. I’ve had some hard running workouts….no easy runs. Saturday was a 4 hour ride w/a 75 minute and 30 minute tempo piece built in….followed by a 20 minute run w/the first 15 minutes building to zone 4 (ie. Mid 5 minute pace). I actually felt pretty good afterwards, which was a good thing…because I was running the Pineland Farms 25K trail race up in Maine the next day. It’s a great race on very nice trails. I did this race two years ago and won….taking the lead around 3 miles and never looking back. I knew this year was going to be tougher for a few of reasons. One, Saturday’s workout was pretty damn hard. Two, I did not sleep well. And, three, there looked to be some decent runners in the field.

We drove the 2+ hours up to Maine in the morning. Sitting in a car for 2+ hours before running 15.5 miles and after a 4.5 hour workout day is not ideal. Anyway, it was an uneventful trip and I did a short warmup and started to get myself ready to race. I could tell that the previous days workout had sapped my legs quite a bit. I decided before the race to just go out and feel things out. I definitely wanted to be in the mix, but I really didn’t want to try to do what I did two years ago and be out front too early (famous last words). Gun went off and one runner goes right off the front. The first mile is really to feel things out and see who the competition is. There was definitely a decent size pack throughout the first mile. The guy in front flies down the hills and pushes the pace. I was just doing my best not to let him get too far out front. We get to the first mile and I’m sitting right behind this guy who states, surprisingly (almost startlingly)…. “guys, that first mile was 5:25!!!”. No shit Sherlock! Maybe you shouldn’t push the pace if you have no intention of holding it!!! It is, after all, a 15.5 mile race. However, I wasn’t about to let this idiot dictate the race by slowing down because the pace was too fast for him. My reaction? I blew right by him and kept going. Hey, if you’re going to go out like a jackass, you had better be prepared to keep up the pace. For what it’s worth, I never saw him again! But, there were a few other guys (3 to be exact) who were running with me. I led for the next mile or so…somewhat reluctantly. For a moment, I had visions of breaking away again….like 2 years ago. But, the guys with me weren’t slow. We ran as a group through the 5k at a blistering 17:20 (some of the later miles may not have been exact, but I’m pretty sure this one was…..we were moving). That 17:20 was probably worth a sub 17 on the roads.

While I was feeling pretty good and strong at the outset….the fatigue started to settle in my legs around this point. I definitely paid for the early hard pace and I lost the 3 man pack. I tried to keep them within site…but I just couldn’t get my legs moving fast enough. So, I figured I’d just try to keep the pace up and hope that they come back to me. I ran solo until just after the 10k mark which I hit at 38:45. Then, finally, one of the three guys ahead of me came back into sight….and I started to reel him in. The thing is….my HR wasn’t actually that high. It was hovering in the low 160s….but the legs just wouldn’t respond. Once I caught him, I tried to get him to run with me (it can be lonely out there!). We ran for about a mile before he was spit out the back. I hit the 15k mark around 57 minutes and change. I could see that there was a guy behind me moving up on me….so I really tried to start pushing. The thing about this course is that it is all up and down....like a grass, dirt and rock roller coaster.  There's little time to ever get into a running rhythm.  During the last 5 miles of the course I started feeling better….I got my legs back a little. So, I started running a bit harder…and got the HR up to the low 170s. The last couple miles of this race feel like they go on forever. With about a little over a half mile to go we enter an open field, which we run around before finishing up. As I entered the field, I glanced behind me….and sure enough…..I had someone on my tail about 100 meters back. I dug a bit deeper…..no way I was losing 3 place at this point. And I didn’t. I held him off and finished up at 1:39:50. It was 2:30 faster than my 2008 finish. And, in glancing at the times from last year, it looks like everyone was 2-3 minutes slower this year across the board (they modified the course this year….and I suspect it’s a tad bit longer). The good thing is that I actually felt pretty good at the end….good form. Not to mention, this was my longest run of the year….longest since Hawaii last October. So, I’m happy with it. I’d really like to see what I can do on that course w/fresh legs. Maybe next year!

On the way home, we stopped by the Clam Shack in Kennebunkport for lobster rolls and fried clams! Probably not the best recovery food….but damn good!
