October 9, 2008

Day Four....Almost Famous!

I woke up pretty early again...4:30ish. But, I was in bed before 9pm, so it's kind of expected. After some coffee and food, I headed out to the swim venue for a quick 20 minute swim. The swim venue has gotten more crowded by the day. Today seemed really crowded due to the fact that the bleachers for the race had been set up and there were groups of "cruise ship people" hanging around (most of these people should spend a little less time at the buffet). I met up with Matt Pokress and we headed out for a quick swim to the floating coffee bar with his wife Shay. Here's an okay picture of the floating bar...

During the swim, I saw my buddy....the big sea turtle...again!

After the swim, I changed and headed over to the start of the "Underpants" run. This is an unofficial, ironman event that started a few years back....and has become sort of a rites of passage at the ironman world championships. It was a lot of fun. Alot of recognizable faces in the crowd, including Michellie Jones and the Lovatos. Unfortunately, I was rushing and didn't have my camera...although Jenn got a couple...

Following the "run", I quickly changed and headed out to the Outrigger Hotel, where I was interviewed for NBC. They must have recognized the talent:) Kidding. Seriously though, my freind produces the coverage for NBC, so he got me on the list. He told me that they have a different theme each year (not completely up to him). This year their focusing on first timers and the unexpected challenges. It was a pretty neat experience. I was a little nervous, but once the camera was rolling, so was I. However, I'm even more nervous for what's next. NBC apparently follows me for parts of the race! So, I'll probably have a camera car/cycle next to me at times....crazy!!!! Now, I hope I don't wind up on the cutting room floor! Although, if I do, my buddy has to answer to me (and probably a few others from my home town!!).
Tonight is the opening Banquet. It should be fun. We have a large Boston/BTT contingent. Pics to be posted tomorrow.

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