October 2, 2008

Random Thursday Thought

As we get ready to leave on Sunday, I thought I'd share my personal nightmare. No it's not showing up on race day and forgetting my shoes or goggles (although that would suck). It's packing for the trip. I'm an "over packer". When I drive to races, it's not too bad....I'm allowed to overpack. However, I can't overpack when flying. Also, trying to get all of my race gear together drives me nuts. You have to make sure you have your nutrition, bottles, clothes, tools, shoes, and the list goes on. Since we leave on Sunday, here's what Saturday afternoon will probably look like:

Pat: trying to pack all his stuff (most of which has been laid out for a week).

Pat: beginning to get frustrated because he's having trouble getting everything into his suitcases.

Pat: beginning to get verbally frustrated.

Billie (our dog): going into the other room, tail down because she thinks Pat's mad at her.

Jenn: beginning to realize she's going to have to intervene.

Pat: beginning to lose it.

Jenn: finally dropping what she's doing and assisting.

Jenn: completely unpacking Pat's bags and repacking.

Pat: thanks wife, then heads off to get frustrated at something else!

Yes, my wife usually packs my bags. Now, in my defense, Jenn travels a lot, so she has a lot of experience! Anyway, just a random thought on a Thursday morning:)

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